
Alice Grimm, Co-Chair

Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Brazil

Prof. Grimm is a Professor in the Department of Physics at UFPR and is associated with its Meteorology Research Group. She teaches Basic Meteorology as well as advanced topics of meteorological research. She has contributed earlier as a member of the CLIVAR/GEWEX Monsoons Panel. Her research interests include assessment and prediction of South American active and break monsoon phases, climate variability in intra-seasonal, inter-annual, and interdecadal time scales, ENSO impacts in South American monsoon, various climate oscillations in producing extreme events, interaction between ENSO and MJO teleconnections and its impacts on precipitation and extreme events over South America, characteristics of the intra-seasonal variability of the southern African monsoon, its predictability, and teleconnections between South American and Southern Africa monsoons, etc. Read more...


Leila Carvalho (Co-Chair, CLIVAR/GEWEX Monsoons Panel)

University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB), USA

Dr Carvalho is a Professor of Meteorology and Climatology in the Department of Geography and Researcher at the Earth Research Institute, UCSB. She has a B.S., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Meteorology from the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Her research interests are in regional and large-scale climate variability and modeling, global climate change and scaling processes in geophysics. These topics include (but are not limited to) climate variation and change in monsoon regions, tropical-extratropical interactions, extreme precipitation and temperature, and regional modeling. Read more...


Iracema Cavalcanti

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil

Dr Cavalcanti is a researcher at Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC) of INPE and a Member of the Post-graduation course of Meteorology at INPE and had served as the Chief of the Modelling and Development Division at CPTEC. Her area of research is climate variability and influences on South America. She has conducted numerous studies on South American Monsoon, both observational and model simulations, in several timescales, interannual and sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) timescales. She has had actively contributed to the Monsoon Experiment in South America (MESA) under the CLIVAR regional panel on Variability of American Monsoon System (VAMOS) and had served as Co-chair of the Working group of VAMOS-EXTREMES. Read more...


Felipe de Andrade

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil

Dr de Andrade is a research scientist at INPE. He has experience in examining large-scale dynamic processes in observations and numerical models. He also has expertise in assessing sub-seasonal variations in the South Atlantic Convergence Zone, in addition to evaluating the skill of weekly rainfall forecasts for South America during the summer monsoon season. Moreover, he has experience in analysing the influence of tropical heat sources on the South American atmospheric circulation using large datasets, dynamical models, and a variety of statistical procedures. Read more...


Moetasim Ashfaq

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), USA

Dr Ashfaq is a Research Scientist at ORNL. Monsoons have remained the central topic of his research throughout the research career. While his primary research-focus has been the South Asian summer monsoon, more recently he has broadened his focus on other regional monsoons, including the American and African monsoons. He led a CORDEX-based study that focused on South and North American monsoons, in addition to other seven monsoons across the globe. He has expertise in the use of global and regional climate models, and hydrological models for understanding climate variations in response to natural and anthropogenic forcing at varying timescales, and their implications for natural and human systems. Read more...


Marcelo Barreiro

Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay

Prof. Barreiro is a Full Professor and Head of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Institute of Physics, School of Sciences, Universidad de la Republica. He is a lead author of IPCC AR6. His main line of research is the understanding of climate variability and predictability over South America from intra-seasonal to interdecadal time scales. His current research involves the study of teleconnections from remote basins to South America on interannual time scales, and the variability and predictability of the South American rainfall dipole on intra-seasonal time scales. He has a long experience of contributing to CLIVAR panels and groups including VAMOS Panel and Climate Dynamics Panel as well as the WG-AMM. Read more...


Christopher Castro

Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, USA

Dr Castro is Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona. His research interests include characterization of large-scale climate influences on the North American monsoon, from paleoclimate to climate change projection timescales; Evaluation of changes in extreme monsoon precipitation in the Southwestern United States; Use of convective-permitting modelling with assimilation of sources of local data to improve numerical weather prediction forecasts of extreme North American monsoon precipitation, etc. Read more...


Tereza Cavazos

Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), Mexico

Dr Cavazos is a Senior Researcher in the Department of Physical Oceanography of CICESE. Her research work has been focused on climate variability, climate change, El Niño/Southern Oscillation, the North American monsoon, tropical cyclones, extreme events, climate change, and climate modelling and downscaling. She has been a member of several international scientific committees and working groups that investigate the variability of the American monsoons. She is currently a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Inter-American Institute (IAI) for Global Change Research and a member of the Science Advisory Team of the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX). She holds a Ph.D. in Geography from the Pennsylvania State University. Read more...


Salvatore Pascale (Member, CLIVAR/GEWEX Monsoons Panel)

University of Bologna, Italy

Dr Pascale is a Junior Assistant Professor of Department of Physics and Astronomy, Atmospheric Physics Group at University of Bologna, Italy. He has been doing research on the North American monsoon (NAM). His research has mainly focused on understanding the fundamental dynamics of the NAM and the impact of anthropogenic global warming on the NAM. He has broader experience on other regional monsoons also. His research focuses on climate dynamics, monsoons, and hydroclimatic extremes in the context of climate change. Read more...


Vadlamudi Brahmananda Rao

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil

Prof. Rao is an Emeritus Professor at INPE. He has been working on observational as well as theoretical aspects of both South American and Indian monsoons. He has been an Academic Coordinator for postgraduate research on climate change in Brazil. He holds a Ph.D. from Andhra University, India. Read more...


Michelle Simões Reboita

Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Brazil

Dr Reboita is a Professor at Universidade Federal de Itajubá. Her research focuses on the South America Monsoon System (SAMS) and in the different types of cyclones near the South America coast. She is a member of the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Climate Studies Group and Interdisciplinary Climate Investigation Center (INCLINE) at the University of São Paulo, and a coordinator of the Research and Extension Group in Social and Environmental Policies (GPEPSA-UNIFEI-CNPQ). She is one of the WCRP Regional Focal Points for South America. She is also currently serving as a member of WWRP Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research. Read more...


Cuauhtémoc Turrent Thompson

Department of Physical Oceanography, CICESE, Mexico

Dr Turrent Thompson is a Researcher at Department of Physical Oceanography, CICESE, Mexico. The climatic variability of the North American Monsoon (NAM) has been the primary scientific interest of his academic career. His primary tool for scientific research has been the use of regional atmospheric models for climate and weather simulations. Read more...


Caio Augusto dos Santos Coelho

Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Brazil

Dr Coelho is a senior research scientist at Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos (CPTEC) of INPE and has research interests in the evaluation of how climate models represent the main features of the South American monsoon system. He has research and operational experience in sub-seasonal and seasonal predictions produced with numerical global climate models, including procedures for calibration, combination, and verification of these predictions. He has actively involved in a number International Projects, namely, EUROBRISA, ENSEMBLES, CLIMAX, CLARIS LPB, DEMETER, SPECS and S2S. Read more...


Robin Chadwick

Met Office & University of Exeter, UK

Dr Chadwick holds a joint position as an Expert Scientist at the Met Office and as a Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter. His primary research focus is on tropical climate and its response to climate change. In particular, he is interested in how the tropical water cycle is changing on the regional scales relevant to climate change impacts, and how this is related to the dynamics of monsoons and circulations over tropical forests. He is a work package lead for the CSSP-Brazil project, which has improving the understanding and modelling of precipitation variability and change over South America as one of its main overarching objectives. He is PI of a current NERC project (ImPOse) examining the discrepancy between observed and modelled historical SST trends in the tropical Pacific, and co-I on a new NERC project (Bridge) which will examine the fundamental dynamics of regional monsoon circulations. Read more...